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Take control of your clients banking expierence.


"That’s the message from Accenture. In a recent report, the business consultancy’s researchers found that traditional banks could lose a third of their market share to non-banks by 2020. Banking is one of several industries that the firm describes as “digitally contestable markets.” In other words: ripe for disruption." - Marcus Wohlsen


Financial Advisors that offers a customized banking solution in addition to their white glove investment services can be a differentiator in a competitive environment.  Using our platform to partner with selected banks can provide these solutions to enhance your relationship with your existing client and help grow your client base. Advisors Business Bancorp’s platform allows you to provide your clients with a virtual “private banking”

Co-create the banking expierence...

The ABB platform empowers the wealth managers to proactive work with trusted banks to create unique / specific solutions to meet their client financial needs.  You understand your clients desires and our platforms enables your to collaborate and create value add solutions for both your client and the banks.. It empowers your team to support the banking paperwork, origination, loan process to create value and ensure the desired result for your clients 

 Allow our banking partners to help you develop a deeper and more trusting relationship

Advisors Business Bancorp requires a strict privacy policy between marketplace participants in order to create a collaborative environment and create a value add for all parties involved.  Advisors Business Bancorp and its banking partners want to support your trusted relationship with your client by helping create solutions that add value to that trusted partnership. 

Custom Service Model = Customer Service Model

Advisors in the Advisors Business Bancorp marketplace receive a private, branded, custom marketplace portal to engage and support their banking partners in the development, processing and approval stages for a loan.  The platform creates visibility at every stage to ensure all parties are actively working together to drive towards creative financials solutions for their clients.  ABB holds all parties involved – Financial Advisors, Banks and themselves to high service levels.

As a business or practice owner, scale and flexibility are key to growing revenues and reducing expenses. Clients value their advisors relationship and understand they get what they pay for. Banks are eager to share deposit and lending revenue with advisors that understand the privacy and importance of sharing a relationship.

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